Residents furious at WCC Boundary proposal

After a “Mobile Surgery” on June 14th at two areas in Harnham, residents are furious at the Boundary proposal by Wiltshire County Council (WCC) to split the Harnham community.

A group of 10-20 residents were at each location and not one supported the idea from WCC.   Large maps of the proposals were on hand to show residents.  Also available was the alternative “Option 2”, which does not split the Harnham community.  This option received unanimous support from residents.  This option was rejected by WCC.  They said that it “Doesn’t represent communities.”  However, Option 2 will be submitted to the Boundary Committee in July. 

A further letter will be delivered within the next month to residents, outlining what to do and who to write to.  A public meeting is also likely to be arranged.

More will be added in due course.

Boundary proposal for Harnham

A letter and a Map are currently being delivered to residents affected by the Tory proposal in Harnham.  The Labour group have also submitted a similar proposal, moving out parts of Harnham into St Martin.

Residents are furious at being “Moved” out of Harnham and into another ward.  They feel part of the ‘Harnham community’, no-where else.  These are comments coming to me from residents.

The public consultation begins in July for eight weeks, when residents can voice their opposition to these ludicrous proposals.  Residents must write in to the Boundary Committee (BC) using “Community identity”.  Buildings such as the Old Mill, the Rose & Crown, St Georges Church and All Saints Church are all within the area proposed to be “Moved” by both the Tory & Labour groups.  Community groups and schools etc can be used in communication to the BC.

Similar proposals to remove the Downton Rd area into St Martin ward a few years ago was defeated by people power, when residents wrote in and petitioned the BC.  The BC listened and kept that area in East Harnham.

For full details of the Wiltshire Boundary review, please click:

Further details and the address at which to write to, will appear in due course.

Bus shelters…Update

It was agreed at the meeting that a further Report comes back to committee on July 1st detailing full costs for the new shelters.

Fourteen shelters were identified by Ward Members as being in need of replacement, or new ones where there isn’t one.

More will follow in due course.

Motion to replace Bus Shelters

I have put a Motion to the City Area (Community) Committee regarding Bus Shelters.  The committee meets on May 6th and i have stated that i would like the “Tatty” old shelters around our City replaced, using our reserves for the funding.

Councillors in the City have been asked to name the shelters, if they have any, that could do with being replaced. 

I have put forward two shelters in West Harnham:  One to be replaced on Harnham Rd, opposite Folkestone Rd.  The other at the bottom of Hollows Close, where no shelter currently stands.  For many years, residents of Gawthorne Drive have requested a shelter at this location.

I hope that these two locations will get committee approval on May 6th.

Tories vote to split up East & West Harnham Communities

At the county council meeting on April 18th, the Tory administration at County Hall forced through plans, which if accepted by the Boundary Committee (BC), will split up East & West Harnham for the new unitary elections in May 2009.

They have now pushed everything North of Netherhampton Rd, Harnham Rd, New Harnham Rd & Downton Rd into St Martin & Milford division.

An option for the City that would have kept West & East Harnham as two separate divisions was rejected last week, as the Tories voted for their own option for the City.

I tried in vain at the meeting to get Tory councillors to listen to the “community identity” of West Harnham, using St Georges Church, built 1115 and the Old Mill, built around 1135, as community links in West Harnham.  The pleas were disgracefully ignored and I was accused of being political!

There is going to be one heck of a fight through the BC to retain East & West Harnham identities.  Many residents are fiercely opposed to such plans.  Residents objected to plans to split Harnham in the last Boundary Review in 1998 and were listened too.  Hopefully, we will be listened to this time, as these proposals, supported by the Conservatives, are a disgrace to our community.

Affected areas in Harnham will be leafleted by myself in due course, with details on how to object to this proposal.  The Boundary Committee website is:

The ‘flawed’ City proposals can be seen in the Tory administrations submission to the Boundary Committee: 

This proposal will be the “Draft Recommendation” from the BC.  It is important that local residents make their comments known to the BC.  I hope then that they’ll listen to us and change the details in their “Final Recommendations”, due later this year.

LDF Meeting

There will be a meeting to discuss the Local Development Framework (LDF) on

Tuesday 22nd April at 7.30pm

St Georges Hall, Lower St

A Planning Officer will be here to explain the consultation process.  All Harnham residents are welcome to attend. 

Potential new housing sites, in the consultation, have been identified in Netherhampton & Britford Parishes. 

Town Path

Numerous complaints have come my way about the new “surface” of the Town Path.  Well, I have to say that I am very disappointed about the surface too, especially as we have waited two years, with numerous start dates that have been put off.  It is not what I expected.  I couldn’t print the many comments that I have received.  But I do agree with them.

If you are not hapy, please forward your complaint to Wiltshire County Council (WCC), (01225) 713000, or email the director of environmental services:

WCC are the Highway Authority and are responsible for resurfacing the Town Path.  Salisbury District Council are responsible for the new Benches and the (soon to be) new Litter Bins.

The lighting is still not finished around the Old Mill.  Victorian type ‘heads’ will go on the columns here.  All the columns will then be painted black.

I have asked for an on site meeting to discuss the path.

Susan’s Bench Unveiled – Watch the video’s & read Report

Well, what a turn out!  At the unveiling of Susan Harris’s Memorial Bench & Plaque at the Old Mill this morning, 10th April, some 40-50 people attended in brilliant sunshine.

After Rev’ Scrace Blessed the Bench, the unveiling was performed by Susan’s closest friends from the Sarum St Michael College, along with family members.

Everyone then retired to the garden of The Old Mill for refreshments, kindly provided by the Old Mill.  Many ‘yesteryear conversations’ then took place among the many reunited friends.

Salisbury Journal video:

Journal report:

Vision News Video:

Susan Harris Memorial Bench to be Unveiled 10th April

A Bench & Plaque in memory of Susan Elizabeth Gilbret Harris, aged 20, who drowned at the Old Mill in March 1966, will be unveiled by her Friends, and some members of her family, on:

Thursday 10th April

opposite the hatches, past the Old Mill Restaurant at


Susan swam into the turbulent and deep waters and tried to rescue a Boy who had fallen in.  She tragically lost her life doing so.

If you knew Susan, were at Sarum St Michael College, or are interested, then please turn up.

The Old Mill Restaurant have very kindly offered to supply Tea & Coffee after the unveiling.