LDF – Harnham Residents, please have your say!

Residents have been asked to comment on the forthcoming Local Development Framework (LDF). 

These are proposals that will shape our City & District for the next 20 years, with the current SDC consultation looking ahead the next 5 years.  The new Wiltshire Council will continue for years 6 to 20.

Harnham Residents are encouraged to comment on the proposal for the Business Park along Netherhampton Road, in Netherhampton Parish.

I very much welcome local Residents being able to commnet on this.  No final decisions have yet been made.  This will be done at the Cabinet meeting in December.

Unlike the current Harnham Business Park, which was given planning permission in 2003 by the previous administration:

  • Harnham Residents had no consultation on this
  • The then Harnham councillors did not even represent Harnham Residents views at that meeting, in fact they didn’t even bother turning up!

At least Harnham Residents will be able to have their views on the LDF. 

Harnham Residents are encouraged to attend a meeting, where the LDF process will be further explained.  This has been called by all four Harnham councillors.  Details of the meeting is:

Wednesday 10th September

Start 7pm

Rose & Crown Hotel, Harnham Rd

Please come along!

Zebra Crossing

Work is due to commence on August 4th for the crossing on Netherhampton Rd.  It has already been marked out and works will last approximately 10 days.

The location is about 30ft west of the Norfolk Rd junction.

Boundary meeting a success

Thank you to the scores of residents that came along to the public meeting.  I fully understand the frustration that is being caused by these proposals.

One question has come clear from many residents:  Why did Wiltshire County Council not consult residents across Wiltshire on these proposals?  A question asked by me at the county council meeting to decide the “One Council” bid several months ago.  The administration refused outright to consult residents.  Somerset County Council did consult; some 83% voted against!

Harnham residents are now preparing their objection submissions to the Boundary Committee, who will report their “Final recommendation” in late November/December.

Harnham Boundary Public Meeting. Petition to be launched!

Due to requests from residents, a public meeting has been called to further discuss the Boundary issue.  A second letter to residents has now been delivered. 

A petition will also be launched at the meeting.

The meeting will be on:

Wednesday July 23rd

St Georges Hall, Lower St.

7.30pm – 8.45pm.

Tea & Coffee will be available.

The public consultation has now commenced, until August 25th.  Everyone is encouraged to write or email the Boundary Committee, address below, and make representation.  They will not take into account that you just “Object”.  You must include “Community identity” in your comments, such as:

  • We will be isolated if we move into another division
  • We will lose our identity
  • Our children use Harnham Schools
  • St Georges Church, West Harnham.  12th Century
  • Old Mill.  12th Century

These are just some of the ‘local’ points that could be used in your comment to the Boundary Committee.  Please see letter for further information.  If you did not receive a copy, or would like one, then please contact me.

The Boundary Committee contact details are:

Review Officer, Wiltshire Review, The Boundary Committee for England, Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street, LONDON, SW1P 2HW.  email:  reviews@boundary committee.org.uk

Bus shelter Motion passed!

A Motion to City Area Committee last week to replace Bus shelters, was carried.  This will involve having 13 of the tattiest shelters around the City replaced.

Top priority is for a shelter at the bottom of Hollows Close, which Gawthorne Drive residents had campaigned for and spoke in favour of at the Committee.  The other shelter that will be replaced in West Harnham is the one at Harnleigh Green, also on Harnham Road.

Both shelters on Harnham Rd will be like the ones on Bemerton Heath.  Several are now disused and have seating in them.

The shelters will be installed in this financial year.

Harnham Boundary

I have today heard that the Boundary Committee for England are very likely to publish their “Draft Recommendations” for the new Wiltshire Unitary Council on July 1st.

Residents will then have eight weeks to make comments, details of which will be here at a later date.

As stated before, Option 2 will be submitted during this consultation period.  This option does not split Harnham, like the Tories have proposed.  Option 2 received unanimous support at a recent Surgery that was held in both East & West Harnham.

For  the Boundary Committee website, click here:  http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/boundary-reviews/all-reviews/south-west/wiltshire/wiltshire-electoral-review

For the County Council Minutes, that approved Option 3 for Salisbury, please click on the link.  You will see that i had my dissent recorded in these Minutes, with regard to the Tory Option 3 split-Harnham proposal.

Lining works in Harnham

New Lining works have finally commenced in Harnham, which includes:

  • Norfolk Rd restricted parking
  • Old Blandford Rd restricted parking
  • Downton Rd area Residents parking
  • Re-painting worn lines

I am waiting comfirmation from WCC officers about the lining gang, as they appear to keep being pulled away onto other jobs in Wiltshire, which i am not happy with.  This is delaying works in our area, which is not acceptable.

New Bus shelters for Harnham

The City Area (Community) Committee meets next Tuesday, 1st July and the Agenda includes the replacement of some “Tatty” Bus shelters around the City.  This was at my request and includes two shelters for West Harnham.  One ‘replacement’ and one ‘new’:

  • Harnham Rd, at Hollows Close (New)
  • Harnham Rd, at Harnleigh Green (Replace)

For details, please click link:  http://documents.salisbury.gov.uk/council/committees/City-Area-Community-Committee/2008-07-01/A-2008-07-01.pdf

Members of the public are very welcome to attend and speak if they wish.

RTPI on its way!

Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) is finally on its way to some of West Harnham Bus stops.  This will enable Bus users to see when the Bus is due, in real time counting down from 20 minutes..

The following Bus stops will be upgraded to RTPI and may involve the replacement of the street light column:

  • Outside 59 Wiltshire Rd
  • Essex Sq shelter to have RTPI unit
  • Norfolk Rd shelter to have RTPI unit
  • Netherhampton Rd, by No125
  • Richards Way
  • Middle St, adjacent to the field
  • Harnham Rd, by Harnleigh Green to have RTPI unit.  City Area Committee (CAC) has agreed to fund a new shelter here too.
  • Harnham Rd, Hollows Close.  Requests have been made for a Bus shelter at this location.  Again, I had taken this request to CAC for its July meeting, which agreed also to fund a new shelter at this location.

I have tried to get the most and best use of our limited £12,500 funds that are available for RTPI in West Harnham.

Zebra Crossing gets go-ahead.

A Zebra Crossing for Netherhampton Rd has been given the green light.  Work is currently due to commence on August 4th and will last around 10 days.

The crossing will be sighted about 10m west of the Norfolk Rd junction and the Bus stop there will have to be re-located slightly further up Netherhampton Rd, probably where the Telegraph pole is.

There were no adverse comments to the proposals during the recent public consultation.