Bishops Drive development – Appeal DISMISSED

An application to build dwellings in copse land in Bishops Drive has been DISMISSED by a Planning Inspector.

The developers had Appealed against the former Salisbury District Council’s ‘Refusal’ to build dwellings in, what is a Housing Restraint Area.

This is a good decision from the Planning Inspector and will no doubt be celebrated by local Residents.

Residents meeting packed out

The meeting at Harnham Club on Friday was packed, attended by some 100 – 120 local Residents.  People expressed their anger at the proposals, which if implemented, would turn Netherhampton Rd into Southampton Rd.

Well over £100 was raised at the meeting, which will be used for printing costs for a leaflet, which will be delivered to all Harnham Residents.  A Committee of volunteers was also formed at the meeting.  These volunteers will oversee the running of leaflet distribution and any future events.

Residents were also encouraged to attend the Area Board meeting on September 3rd at the City Hall.  The start time is likely to be 6pm, but this is yet to be confirmed.

Netherhampton Rd Development: 400 houses and business use – Consultation Period




The Cabinet resolved on 15 July 2009 that the South Wiltshire Core Strategy be taken forward by the Council in order to update planning policies in the Salisbury District Local Plan and that the document should proceed to the next stage of its preparation (Publication Stage).  The document has been in preparation since 2006.  It is based on evidence and shaped by significant public consultation undertaken by the former Salisbury District Council.

The representation period is due to commence on 10th August and end on 30th September.  A hard copy of the South Wiltshire Core Strategy document will be sent to all Councillors, together with a formal notification that the representation period will start by 10th August.

At the Publication Stage, representations are invited on whether the document is considered to be sound and legally compliant. If you wish to talk to an Officer for further explanation, please contact the Spatial Planning Team on the following number 434390 or e-mail

Following the representation period, the Council will consider any comments received to ensure that no fundamental issues have been raised on the soundness of the Plan before submitting the document to the Secretary of State for independent examination by a Government appointed Inspector.  It is the role of the Inspector to consider any representations received and to propose changes to the document in light of these rather than the Council.  Before submission to the Secretary of State, the Core Strategy will be presented for approval at a special meeting of Full Council to be held on November 10th.

Hard copies of the Core Strategy and the associated proposed submission documents will be available at the following offices and libraries of Wiltshire Council:

Planning Office, Wyndham Road & WC Offices Milford Street and at Salisbury & Wilton libraries.

These documents will also be available on the Council’s website.

During the representation period, both public exhibitions and meetings have been arranged at which you will be able to find out more about the document and how you can comment. Details of these are set out below.

Public exhibitions, attended by Officers, will take place between 12.30 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. as follows:

11 August, Guildhall1 September, Guildhall7 September, Michael Herbert Hall, Wilton.

In addition, the following meeting of the City Area Board has been arranged at which a presentation on the South Wiltshire Core Strategy will take place at 7.00pm City Hall.

There will be the opportunity to speak to Officers and ask questions.  If you have any further queries about the South Wiltshire Core Strategy, please contact the Spatial Planning Team on 434390.

Old Blandford Rd crossing point

The construction of a crossing point, near to Grasmere Close on Old Blandford Rd has finally commenced.  Harnham Infant School was successful in its bid for funding as part of its school travel plan, to help children cross the road at this point.

The road will be narrowed to a ‘Pinch point’ to enable pedestrians, mainly school children coming down from the steps, to cross the road easier.

Works will be complete in time for when the schools return after the summer holidays.

Signage and extra street lighting is also part of the plan.