I hear this all the time now, that our roads in Salisbury City are a total disgrace, only equal to those in third world countries and i have to agree.
Well, as i drive to Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes or Chippenham, as i often have to , the roads are very different. Drive north of Tilshead and see for yourself: nice new roads! Yes, miles of new resurfaced roads through:
The Lavingtons
Approaching into Devizes
Almost the entire stretch from Bratton to West Ashton.
Oh and not to mention the nice new resurfaced road, right outside of County Hall!
These roads, i can assure you, were no-where near as bad as any of the roads in the centre of Salisbury (there are numerous roads here, but Brown Street keeps popping up), or even Essex Square, Norfolk Rd or Ravenscroft in Harnham.
I have raised this at full council, only to be lectured by the Conservatives that they are spending more money on Highways than ever before. Just not in Salisbury!
Wiltshire council, where everybody matters? Not here either I’m afraid.
I will keep fighting to get our roads resurfaced.
You can read the questions that i asked council back in July here