There is some good news! Following on from residents concerns raised with me, I have pushed for some form of crossing and have managed to secure almost £6,000 of funding which will fund two ‘informal’ crossing points near to both bus stops, where residents cross the road. One near the bottom shelter and one near the top shelter.
A survey was recently carried out here, which has justified a form of non-controlled crossing point.
Two sets of dropped kerbs, wooden bollards, signage and coloured road markings will go in place, to show the ‘informal’ crossings. There is one such crossing ouside Debenhams.
This is some good news, but I know that residents would prefer a zebra, or pelican crossing, but funding just is not available and would take many years, if ever, to be implemented.
Something now, rather than another 20 years, is good news. But i promise that if ever funding for crossings do suddenly appear, i will fight like mad to get something.
When i know more details, i will post them here.