Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) is finally on its way to some of West Harnham Bus stops. This will enable Bus users to see when the Bus is due, in real time counting down from 20 minutes..
The following Bus stops will be upgraded to RTPI and may involve the replacement of the street light column:
- Outside 59 Wiltshire Rd
- Essex Sq shelter to have RTPI unit
- Norfolk Rd shelter to have RTPI unit
- Netherhampton Rd, by No125
- Richards Way
- Middle St, adjacent to the field
- Harnham Rd, by Harnleigh Green to have RTPI unit. City Area Committee (CAC) has agreed to fund a new shelter here too.
- Harnham Rd, Hollows Close. Requests have been made for a Bus shelter at this location. Again, I had taken this request to CAC for its July meeting, which agreed also to fund a new shelter at this location.
I have tried to get the most and best use of our limited £12,500 funds that are available for RTPI in West Harnham.